
The educational platform for diabetes technology, certified by the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD). 

Note! AcademyTM is currently only available in the UK and Ireland.


Academy™ is an online educational programme where healthcare professionals can increase their knowledge in diabetes technologies. It is accessed online through diasend® or Glooko® and provided free of charge to health care professionals.

Academy™ is provided by Glooko in collaboration with the ABCD/DTN-UK and is partly supported by major companies committed to improving diabetes care.


The education programme includes educational videos and self assessment tests to provide certification in the following courses:

  • Connected Pens (new course)
  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring
  • Diabetes Technology in Pregnancy
  • Sensor Augmented Pumps (SAP)
  • Flash Glucose Monitoring
  • Pumps (CSII)
  • Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII)
  • Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose (SMBG)
  • Virtual Consultations


 If you have a diasend® or a Glooko account, simply fill out the form to activate your access to Academy™. 

Non-diasend®/ Glooko users can request a free account with limited functionality, to use for access to Academy™.
Fill out the form and we will contact you shortly to set up your account.


Academy™ has been developed as a collaboration between Glooko and ABCD/DTN-UK, to provide free education for medical professionals in the UK. As the clinic administrator, you will be able to sign into diasend®/ Glooko using your Clinic Account Username and then into Academy™ where you'll be able to see progress reports for people on your team. Aggregated data reports showing uptake and use of Academy™ will be shared with ABCD, Glooko and sponsors that have supported the development of the platform.


Simply tick the boxes and we will provide access to Academy™ for your clinic and team.